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Man this would be an amazing rig to own and just Tripp balls lookin at it ya know wut I mean
"The main idea is you give your plants the following light schedules:

Vegetative: 12 hours light, 5.5 hours dark, 1 hour light, 5.5 hours dark / day

Flowering: Start with 11 hours light, 13 hours darkness. You keep this for 2 weeks, then drop the lighting period by 30 minutes, I.E. after two weeks you will switch to 10.5 hours on, and 13.5 hours off. Continue this 30 minute drop every 2 weeks until you reach 9 hours on/ 15 hours off. Finish your flowering at this lighting."

Clearly they were talking about Photos here, but why cant we adapt a similar concept to Autos
Though I am thinking why not do like 9on-3off-9on-3off to give us our 18/6 a day.
Could this have a positive / negative effects? like time has been fast forwareded, how will an auto react to this...
So are u basically turning a one day cycle into a 2 day cycle?....2 periods of light and 2 of dark?

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I was just talking to Nug Noob about them too! I'll see if I can get some this week!
Send me a pm when you get the deets friend!

Any word on the puzzles yet :D
And the sleeveless shirts lol.
And large sized on those mugs!

Much luvs reb and the gear rocks! Can't wait for the shop to open up!!!!!
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