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Yeah been a chef for 33 yrs ......but havent worked since offshore .......cant go back to working for pennies ,to get the same as offshore id need to be exec chef 4 or 5 star .....and im done with it .....antisocial hrs ,egotists,stress,no life.......i now just keep my cooking to the house.......always fresh cooked grub and bakery products at mine

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Awesome!!! I don't know about chef, but I am definitely a cook. I have never done it as a profession I just enjoy it.
Awesome!!! I don't know about chef, but I am definitely a cook. I have never done it as a profession I just enjoy it.
Had aspirations to become a chef in my younger days until I walked into the kitchen of a high priced restaurant ( I worked for the telephone co at the time ) The chef was about 400 lbs dressed in his whites sweating like a pig ( No air ) That cured me . :toke:
the male get pre-flowers just the girls ... anything not sporting pistils is likely male

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ahh, right im thinking this might not have been a good idea now actually. will i be able to tell within 2 weeks? thats about as long as ill have as theyre going into grodans for nft.
A little light , a little fertilizer and everybody's happy . :thumbsup:

I need a damn break. I'm exhausted. Scheduled me a weekend off in 2 weeks. So I at least have that to look forward to. Long look forward though. I have no go left in me for the week lol.
Get those big boy panties on , look no further ahead than today and you'll do just fine . Trust me have ever lied to you before . :biggrin:
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