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Good morning guys! I have a smile bigger then the moon on my lips. Got to love AFN. If you reading this, yeah, I love you to. I have done it, I have manage to get a tree (IMO). I'm so excited I can't sleep. It's the first time I bring her out in some days and I can't believe my eyes. I have never had a girl at this size, and it wouldn't be possible without all the info in this amazing place. BIG love from me to you.


The reason ---------->

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Much love!
Un-FREAKING-real! Amazing!
There have been studies done on opitmum/maximum light for photosynthesis in artificial lighting environments. The information is out there. Also you can find good information about plant lighting on reddit.

say mr. pop, do you know where this number comes from?
I checked this out a long time ago, don't remember the source. And I believe if your at more than 60,000 lumens you need CO2 enrichment to take advantage of the light.

cool, and thanks. I was curious if you had referred to a specific source :)
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