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No hangovers for this old fart . If I drink alcohol now I just pass out or fall asleep . :biggrin:
hummm.. Me too depending on the situation. I am still in the prime of my latter middle age so I can tie one on from time to time but I must pay the piper the next day.

As is so true we never know how good we have it until we look back and understand how easy it really was.

Put the joint down son and just back away...
I've isolated the problem to the door latch now the only question is does the landlady want to spring for a new latch $ 75.00 and I
ll install it or like Pop22 sayed kick the sob to the curb and buy new . :thumbsup:

A landlady without a source for used appliances?

The landlady bought an new washer and dryer 4 months ago. I put the dryer to the curb before I could get the washer to the curb there was a guy at the front door looking to see if there was anything else to go . He already had the dryer in his truck . :rofl:

Of course. When you snag that bull dolphin, you always go back for the cow. Trolling is Trolling
A growing industry here, cottage industry junk yards. Causing uproar in some. Who want's a junk yard next door? That and permanent yard sales, coupon'ers setting up stores in garages. Anything to keep the yards and garages. Initiative at its civic raw-est. Those permanent yard sales turn into junk yards quick after a few rains.
A quick morning chop and trim

Black Dragon buds pic1 -3-18-2017.jpg
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