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:clapper: :d5: :clapper: That is a f'ing handsome mug my friend! ...oh gawd, I just had a vision,.. that in green and back..! :headbang: ... is, it possible? :biggrin:

Of course it is!! Green and black? Elaborate... Green handle and rim? Same black logo? You know me... Easily confused hahaha

Thank you my brudda from anudda mudda!!! :pass: :bighug:
Good morning friends, happy hump day! The sun's shining here, it's a cool 16C and from my window half the view of the sky is blue and half is dark grey clouds LOL.

I have not much planned for today which is nice, still sorting what's going home and what's not. There aren't too many things that we're arguing over luckily!

Who's got snow? Show me your pics! Here is mine:
teide snow 150317.jpg

Yeah there's only a bit left up there LOL.
Morning AFN .
I"VE BEEN SCAMED to the tune of $ 200.00 cad .. If you see an offer from these guys head for cover . serumdeluxe or . I was offered products from these 2 bandits as a result of doing a survey all i had to do was pay the shipping which I did . Now they've billed me $ 200.00 for the product !!! I should have known better when I saw the address was Nicosia , Cyprus . Dam you can't let your guard down for a minute . :wall:
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