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A man was driving down an Alaskan road and his car broke down. He phoned the Alaskan Mobile Fixit Service and they arrived shortly after. He service man opened the bonnet and after a while the repair man said " It looks like you've blown a seal ", the man replies "No, it's just frost on my moustache."
I always have environmental problems.. my garage gets cold and dry in winter and hot and steamy in the summer.. I can't wait till it's outdoor time again.. probably gonna be a while. They're talking 14"-28" of snow in the next couple days
Yep got the same forcast for snow here too . Starting around 5:00 pm today right throught till Tues . Maybe it won't make it here and will dump everything on you . :biggrin:
A man was driving down an Alaskan road and his car broke down. He phoned the Alaskan Mobile Fixit Service and they arrived shortly after. He service man opened the bonnet and after a while the repair man said " It looks like you've blown a seal ", the man replies "No, it's just frost on my moustache."
I didn't know Trailanimal had a car !!!!! :rofl:
A man was driving down an Alaskan road and his car broke down. He phoned the Alaskan Mobile Fixit Service and they arrived shortly after. He service man opened the bonnet and after a while the repair man said " It looks like you've blown a seal ", the man replies "No, it's just frost on my moustache."
Hey, you seem like you're in a laughing mood... Check out the videos in here first one... Not too funny.. the one on the last page is funny as hell.. at least it was when we were making it
Morning, Stoners! Two great ways to kick off the Spring Equinox, bush-to-be

And a jolt of Vivaldi

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