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No rush, Brother. At the speed I'm going, give me a day or 3:smoking: And thanks! :bighug::pass:

Badge is all done and in the database. All I need are names! if I get a second tonight I"ll go there and see if I can figure out everyone involved lol that may not happen tho lol Oh I think I have a good idea... hmmm...
About to start drying some nice basil flower colas, to make some sweet tea.

sweet basil flowers 1.jpg
sweet basil flowers 2.jpg
sweet basil flowers 3.jpg

Pesto and pasta, anyone?
Badge is all done and in the database. All I need are names! if I get a second tonight I"ll go there and see if I can figure out everyone involved lol that may not happen tho lol Oh I think I have a good idea... hmmm...
Above and beyond, Brother. As usual. :bighug:
Once I spread a little more love, I'm gonna rep slap the hell out of you! :pighug:
To my amazing wife, friend and co-conspirator for the last damn near 20 years.
And if we only have another 20 to go, I'll take great offense to the man upstairs :cheersmate: How rare to find someone like her. Did I mention that we're about to start growing weed in the kitchen? :crying:
Miss Rosa, :watering::love:
How lovely @rosa and @Renaissance Redneck ! :bighug:You seem so well-matched, from what little I know of Rosa. Hats off to you both! :worship:

I've been with my hubby for 26 years, married for 5. I can't imagine life without him and hope we have a similar amount of time to come before one of us goes. We realised we needed to be making more of our time together after my dad passed late in 2015, hence this six month holiday. And more adventures to come.

Go spend time with your loved ones! And TELL them they're loved too!
Those are my Monday morning words of wisdom.

In other news, it's 18C and cloudy here at present, we may get some rainfall later. Furry fiend woke me at 4am then again at... I didn't look at the time. Tonight we will be having a goose breast that I bought before Christmas to trial cook and decided I had more faith in my cooking skills than to need to do a trial, so it's been waiting in the freezer. Probably it'll be pan fried to crisp the skin then into the oven, served with mashed potatoes, veg, gravy and some cherry jam as an accompaniment. Sorry if that's making people hungry the moment they get on here LOL!

See you later!
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