Well Guys it was wonderful being here again this morning for another awesome interview. I hope i answered all the questions asked within this two hour meeting if not feel free to pop into my ASK ME thread in my section where i can give more detailed answers and talk more in depth about certain subjects i couldnt touch too much on because of time issues. Thank you AFN and AW for the interviews and hope we can setup another one before or after my first official seed drop
Thanks again
Magic Strains: "Changing Possible" View attachment 714478
@Magic@budelee that purple and gold spider is of the Simaetha species. So you could even consider calling your Widow cross Samantha LOL. It's close enough!
Edit: Yep, already given a for Magic's interview! Absolute legend!
Good afternoon stoners! Hope everyone is having a great afternoon! Cheers.
I have a grow journal going come check it out. I also have made a First Grow Album and will try to update frequently.
Kahdboahd Growah. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/first-time-growing-journal.58361/
@Magic@budelee that purple and gold spider is of the Simaetha species. So you could even consider calling your Widow cross Samantha LOL. It's close enough!
Sorry I had to leave the interview guys..
Ive been having roofing contractors give estimates from the wind damage
Im mighty late but i do want to Thank @Magic greatly
For not just being our guest,but for being our guest Twice, to accomodate our Global Membership!!! Passing to Magic !!
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