Aww never mind! Yours are cute anyway!
Which gets the most use arty?
Hi Elle

(passes to Elle)
That's a really good question.
In total I have owned 11 vaporizers.
Here are the ones i use on a daily basis.
I use this combo the most
The Vape Xhale Cloud Evo, serious Rolls Royce standard, this vape kicks arse!!
Convection (Hot air) vapoizer, does flowers and concentrates, fits directly on to my bong.
Awesome vapor quality, amazing taste.
Does not have a fan , does not do bags.
Price around £360
Blaze 8 arm perc base £103
Blaze cooling spiral £93
I used this combo before I bought the bong
Vape Xhale Cloud Evo with water tool.
Water tool is an extra £100
Second most used option
Grasshopper vaporizer with Oil Rig Recycler
When out and about the Grasshopper is my go to vape.
Grasshopper Titanium £250 Recycler £70
For time when i don't want to loose a vape, clubs, pubs etc etc I use the Hebe Titan II (Like the one i told archie about).
Hebe Titan £17