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Yea man, I hope this is all but can't count on it, definitely got another month of potential. This will keep us away from town for another month hehe might be a good thing.
I personally like the times of total campness, living with nature, undisturbed, more time for down and in
Guys i know this is something i should know already but maybe im getting confused.. i have been adjusting my nutrient solution for soil to 6.2 pH is this way off or where should i be adjusting to to get proper nute uptake.. i seem to be always having Calcium and Phosphorus issues.. any input would be great thanks
Guys i know this is something i should know already but maybe im getting confused.. i have been adjusting my nutrient solution for soil to 6.2 pH is this way off or where should i be adjusting to to get proper nute uptake.. i seem to be always having Calcium and Phosphorus issues.. any input would be great thanks
6.2 should be OK. I go anywhere between 6.2 and 6.8 but I'm in promix. What kind of soil you in and have you checked the pH of it
Guys i know this is something i should know already but maybe im getting confused.. i have been adjusting my nutrient solution for soil to 6.2 pH is this way off or where should i be adjusting to to get proper nute uptake.. i seem to be always having Calcium and Phosphorus issues.. any input would be great thanks
hey P14, maybe raise the number a bit with something that has cal and see what happens, are you too wet?
20 minutes till knock off guys!! :worship:

@trailanimal I've never seen a honeycomb perk before, I know I used to have dramas cleaning mine, do you find it difficult to clean the honeycomb perk?
To clean my ROOR all I ever use is 91% isopropyl alcohol and some course salt. Plug up the holes and shake. Rinse with water to dissolve and remove the salt residue. :thumbsup:
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