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They all works, I bounce between24/0 and 20/4 for autos. 24/0 for photos in veg!

I watch the trichromes and I check top, middle and bottom. Usually if I start seeing a few amber, the rest of the buds will be mostly milky, just the way I like them!

I've been playing with the whole drying and curing thing ( I have to fiddle with ). I'm now doing quick drying. 3-4 days in a drying rack, then into jars with Boveda packs. at 4 days, buds are not completely dry and they re-moisten in the jars. I keep a hygrometer in a jar and if the RH goes about 66% I burp them, or even remove the buds and let them air dry for an hour. 2 weeks at 62% and you can smell my bud across a room when I open a jar!

On the flip side, if you vape exclusively, you can just dry some bud real dry and get right to vaping!

Hey @pop22 along those same lines,give us a quick rundown of best time to harvest and best dry/cure tecnique for the most potent smoke!!
Very curious if you prefer 24/0 - 20/4 - 18/6 or something else for all your autos or in general?
I've done mostly auto to photo, my only real auto to auto is my Dragon Kush ( Duurty Dragon x KVS )

@pop22 I think I seen someone ask if you breed auto to auto mostly or if you breed in photo to auto? Might have answered but I was curious about this one myself. If you take photos to auto, how long does it take to dial something like that in?
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