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in a very close second place would be..


Not bad, I like this better.This is how I imagine my 3500 looks.... ya right.
Its doing Home grown hairy as an ape and crawling in my brainspace.

Hows it going for you?
Not to shabby trying out some of this sour diesel haze I chopped recently. Only day 2 of cure, but had to give it a shot to see how its going.


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No I have tried the microwave method. That was a terrible idea. What is the low short bake method?
No I have tried the microwave method. That was a terrible idea. What is the low short bake method?

I don't know why I even bothered with the microwave, it went like I thought it might. Terrible. turn the oven on its lowest possible heat, and put the bud on a cookie sheet I guess. May cover it with foil or something to help it dry slower. Maybe 45 min or an hour? I never tried it.
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