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@Feenix, today with sauteed onions.


Thank you buddy, i hope yours smoked as good as this one will.

OMG that is just intoxicating. Can you smoke it too? I want to just pick it apart like cotton candy. That is stunning. But you knew that...
Thanks man i was a little stuned to watch her finish. The colors didnt come in till late flower. Ill take it as i havent had one to finish that well in a LONG time. That pheno is a rare one. Each time i would see it i never chose to pollinate because she didnt show till later.

This time i caught her as i did a open room pollination of three select females. This one usually has a higher resin production than the rest and that is the precursor to the color finish like this. Most of the time her fans will get resin. I saw the resin production on three of them start early and heavy and this one came out like that. Just what i was looking for.
I have known folks who have had mice eat through metal to eat their seeds inside. Fresh greens appeal to any animal.
from personal experience. mice love seeds. specifically the little bit of meat inside the shell.
long story shot. had mice destroy a good lot of swag weed back in days. they just shredded the weed to get to just the seeds. for just the insides
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