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for example there is a tube called "agromax pure uv" rated at 54W but there is 75% UV-A in it and that isnt the UV-radiation that we need.

we need to hit UV-B at least. but there are no good tubes for that UVB spectrum that wont need a work temp at 600°C except you switch into the medical sector.

i found out that there is a skin treatment for ppl with skin problems ( all different kinds ) that uses UV-B and/or UV-C radiation.
they treat the skin for a certian time with a precalculated amount of energy that will me radiated with 40W tubes with a good spectrum over a certain time. this is repeated 2 - 3 times a week.

sadly u dont get these bulbs if u arent a company. with some little tricks i found a site where these tubes can be buyed by "normal" ppl for about 80 bucks a tube.
Hubby has something called a Dermalight 80, have a look into that maybe?
well i am a bit further than that alrdy.

i know that there are effects for sure, the government did some research with canabis and UV-radiation, more UVB than UVA in 1989! and the results are awesome. the thc production increases because thc is the strongest UV-blocker produced by nature ( so we are very lucky haha )

so if u want to use UV-radiation u need to find out where to get specific spectrums from and depending on the wavelength that is peak, how long can u turn them on before it does any damage.

i saved all my information and sources i found.

my summary is that at the actual state of science it is not possible to get a good UV-B-C spectrum with LED's in a good intensity. there is just now way at the moment for "normal" people to afford the strongest LED's available at the moment and even if u can afford them they arent as powerfull as other sources.

so for getting that spectrum from a good source i found out that there are 40W tubes with very good spectrums and intensity, sadly all of them use mercury.
My current light has UV mode and the link to the fixture . I don't know how effective it is ?? never used it .
Hubby has something called a Dermalight 80, have a look into that maybe?

yeah i have seen them, they use the same tubes but the 100W version. problem is u dont get these tubes if u dont got a serial number of that machine cause they sell the tubes only to patients that need them. or at least here in germany. i wouldnt buy them from a china suplier because of the mercury inside and the shipping, also i maybe would get some crap, who knows.
The problem here is people are relying one study, and one study does not constitute scientific proof. As far as I know, there have been no peer reviews, no further studies, etc. Second, UV lighting in a grow room or tent is a dangerous thing, just a very brief exposure can ruin your eyes! IMO, until there is further proof, its a waste of time and money and presents danger to anyone who might be exposed to it.

I agree. I don't think the way to increase THC or other cannabinoids is by way of lighting. The plant cannabinoid system is not that well understood to my knowledge. I'm still reading on it though. This link has few sources, but he mentions the same thing. Lot's of cool notes after the first paragraph too. scarring, and such to initiate flower, etc.

"Resin heads may serve to break up the rays of the sun so that fewer of them strike the leaf surface and raise the temperature."

this, is how I suspect that UV light would react. It may pass the resin heads easier, but that assumes there is some receptor pigment. I don't know of one.
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This is Good ????

i would say that having these wavelengths extra cant be harmfull or bad at their 375-385nm wavelength. IMO better rusults !!may!! be seen ( if there is any advantage ) in wavelengths from 315-350nm ( these can damage skin and eys very bad if applied to long, never use them without protection ).
Guys reply with a link to your current autoflower grow, I'm bored and want something to read :pass:
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