Eclectic Elle
Keeper Of The Jars of Joy
Hubby has something called a Dermalight 80, have a look into that maybe?for example there is a tube called "agromax pure uv" rated at 54W but there is 75% UV-A in it and that isnt the UV-radiation that we need.
we need to hit UV-B at least. but there are no good tubes for that UVB spectrum that wont need a work temp at 600°C except you switch into the medical sector.
i found out that there is a skin treatment for ppl with skin problems ( all different kinds ) that uses UV-B and/or UV-C radiation.
they treat the skin for a certian time with a precalculated amount of energy that will me radiated with 40W tubes with a good spectrum over a certain time. this is repeated 2 - 3 times a week.
sadly u dont get these bulbs if u arent a company. with some little tricks i found a site where these tubes can be buyed by "normal" ppl for about 80 bucks a tube.