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they have several (non HID) UV discharge laps, they don't fit into LED's case easily though. Here is the first thing I find:

If I remember correct, UV B is about 350 nm, and UV C is about 150 or 200 nm. You will have to wire it yourself.
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Dude that Vice series is total bollocks! Totally made up, acted, recreated etc. Don't believe a single word you hear on there.
@ hippy71 Thanks for the heads up makes me feel a little u say that actually coz many a time IV thought how the hell does the skinny guy who is about80llbs wet thru,who supposedly takes these drugs in far flung countries all over the globe with the 'crims' he's interviewing never get knocked back for a drug score,robbed,or mugged either?cos most hard drug users IV known would have had him set up to relieve him of his money&all the camera&sound equipment too,most heavy drug users want drugs that day n don't care how they get it&certainly wouldn't be loyal to a bunch of strangers with a camera[emoji23]but IMO loose lips&old filters that leak smells get ppl caught90%of the time not heat anyway. I'm new on here so IL give you a follow&if the71in your nametag is your birth year&not your bout the same age(mid40's)anyway you take care m8..

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
Ohhh the old GG! I might know a person or two responsible for some of that stuff. That is if you are talking the 90's anyway. I havn't been back there in a long long time. :thumbsup::cooldance::cooldance:

Neither have I. I don't miss their burn unit. But some of the nurses were memorable and the GG certainly was.

When the orderly who had wheeled me for months found I was moving to outpatient, he kept his promise and got it. I bought a lot of weed from him over the following months but he could never get more than the little quarter he scored. He had said it was hard to get. He did say availability was dependent on who was in charge of the lab/garden and at that time it was tough,.
@ hippy71 Thanks for the heads up makes me feel a little u say that actually coz many a time IV thought how the hell does the skinny guy who is about80llbs wet thru,who supposedly takes these drugs in far flung countries all over the globe with the 'crims' he's interviewing never get knocked back for a drug score,robbed,or mugged either?cos most hard drug users IV known would have had him set up to relieve him of his money&all the camera&sound equipment too,most heavy drug users want drugs that day n don't care how they get it&certainly wouldn't be loyal to a bunch of strangers with a camera[emoji23]but IMO loose lips&old filters that leak smells get ppl caught90%of the time not heat anyway. I'm new on here so IL give you a follow&if the71in your nametag is your birth year&not your bout the same age(mid40's)anyway you take care m8..

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

Spot on mate [emoji3] My age you cheeky sod! Lol. Def birth year mate.

I love the way the crime bosses and crims always agree to be interviewed and tell the ENTIRE WORLD all about their business! Hahaha! Load of old toilet mate. Personally I don't believe anything I see on tv. That's my rule. Assume it's bullshit or edited unless proved otherwise. Their job is to sell tv time to the masses by any means necessary!

And yeah every real fucko I've ever met would've clubbed em all over the head and been down cash converters with all their gear in about 3 seconds flat lol! UK whoop whoop [emoji3]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Neither have I. I don't miss their burn unit. But some of the nurses were memorable and the GG certainly was.

When the orderly who had wheeled me for months found I was moving to outpatient, he kept his promise and got it. I bought a lot of weed from him over the following months but he could never get more than the little quarter he scored. He had said it was hard to get. He did say availability was dependent on who was in charge of the lab/garden and at that time it was tough,.

Oh ya, very hard to get in those days. It's still hard to get any sort of strain choice. Until I started growing I had to get it by the 1/4 oz or order from old friends scattered about the country and risk the mail.
for example there is a tube called "agromax pure uv" rated at 54W but there is 75% UV-A in it and that isnt the UV-radiation that we need.

we need to hit UV-B at least. but there are no good tubes for that UVB spectrum that wont need a work temp at 600°C except you switch into the medical sector.

i found out that there is a skin treatment for ppl with skin problems ( all different kinds ) that uses UV-B and/or UV-C radiation.
they treat the skin for a certian time with a precalculated amount of energy that will me radiated with 40W tubes with a good spectrum over a certain time. this is repeated 2 - 3 times a week.

sadly u dont get these bulbs if u arent a company. with some little tricks i found a site where these tubes can be buyed by "normal" ppl for about 80 bucks a tube.
I'm not sure about alot of this stuff.. I'm actually a techtard.. but I know my solar eclipse 450 has a blue uvb build right down the center... Maybe try asking @AMARE-TECH-Vic he knows his shit.. maybe pick his brain a little
Well I broke my glass bong yesterday and don't have the money for an expensive one so I got a little plastic one to hold me,over for now.

It may look like schwag but,it is the best pain reliever I've had. Its a mix of avt, 3bog, fantasmo express and grape crinkle which were harvested at about 30 days because they were puny from a bad run due to honing in.
My dwc set up Rockwood got too dry and a 3bog died in it so now I'm using rapid rioters and figured out how to keep the bucket going better and a white crack should be popping up in a few days. :)
Good times coming
The problem here is people are relying one study, and one study does not constitute scientific proof. As far as I know, there have been no peer reviews, no further studies, etc. Second, UV lighting in a grow room or tent is a dangerous thing, just a very brief exposure can ruin your eyes! IMO, until there is further proof, its a waste of time and money and presents danger to anyone who might be exposed to it.

well i am a bit further than that alrdy.

i know that there are effects for sure, the government did some research with canabis and UV-radiation, more UVB than UVA in 1989! and the results are awesome. the thc production increases because thc is the strongest UV-blocker produced by nature ( so we are very lucky haha )

so if u want to use UV-radiation u need to find out where to get specific spectrums from and depending on the wavelength that is peak, how long can u turn them on before it does any damage.

i saved all my information and sources i found.

my summary is that at the actual state of science it is not possible to get a good UV-B-C spectrum with LED's in a good intensity. there is just now way at the moment for "normal" people to afford the strongest LED's available at the moment and even if u can afford them they arent as powerfull as other sources.

so for getting that spectrum from a good source i found out that there are 40W tubes with very good spectrums and intensity, sadly all of them use mercury.
they have several (non HID) UV discharge laps, they don't fit into LED's case easily though. Here is the first thing I find:

If I remember correct, UV B is about 350 nm, and UV C is about 150 or 200 nm. You will have to wire it yourself.

sadly i alrdy found these and the wavelength is to big and power output much too low. UVB is 315 to 380 and UVC start at 315nm down to 0nm.

but there are even LED's with a wavelength of 275nm. problem here again is the power output.

all the LED's from 275 to 365nm got that ouput power problem. its always in a 2 - 18mW range for a 60 bucks chip.

what we need is about the powerout of 500 to 1000 mW in a certain wavelength ( output depends on wavelength, the shorter the wavelength the shorter the output ).

lets say u can get one of these UVB-40W-tubes with a peak wavelength of 313nm, 340nm or 351nm ( thats all i found ) with an output power of about 9W and put it into a groom. then you cant just let it be turned on like the rest of the lights in terms of duration. like in the phototherapy the surface that should get UV-radiation gets a specific amount of energy that is dilivered through the spectrum. this amount is precalculated for every run.

so i want back to that study from 1989 about the effects of UVB-radiation on the thc-production of canabis and looked up the amount of energy they used. ( if source is needed just ask )

they used a "daily dosage" of 13,4 kJ/m² distributed over a 3 hour period, sperated into 1,5 hours before and after the mid of the daily light time. the spectrum they used was a tube like i found with a peak of 313nm ( 280nm - 320nm ) and an output peak of 0,6 W/m²/nm.
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