I see the lights are on, but...
To start with, a B-52H, the last iteration, cost $9 million back in 1962, or $57 million if converted to 2016 money. So since we're looking at something over 50 years old that is serious value for money when you think about it.
You look at cancer, ONE cancer charity in the UK spent £394 million on research into treatment and a cure in 2015/16 alone. That's over half a billion USD. In the US, the National Cancer Institute alone spent more on research into curing breast cancer, never mind colorectal, prostate, lung, etc, cancers, in 2010 than the figure you've pulled out of your backside, a sum that ran to $631 million. That's one organisation, and a figure for cancers affecting ONE part of the body.
So, please, let's keep things realistic here. BILLIONS are spent annually researching a cure for cancer in the US alone, the NCI alone had a budget in excess of $5 billion for 2016, never mind when you add on what other countries spend, and the sums involved annually dwarf the entire construction, maintenance and operating costs of the B-52 programme, and that sum grows exponentially every year.
There's a reason that it's impossible to find a "cure", same as we can't cure the common cold. And pseudo-political ill-informed bullcrap like you have come out with does nothing but divert attention away from the sterling work and advances against all forms of cancers that has been carried out over the years, especially the last decade. But the reality is that there will never be a "cure for cancer" as it is something without a single cause, without a common form, without a simple trigger, and that is why we are able to sort out SOME forms of cancer, and even prevent them via a simple vaccination like the HPV vaccine as it has been shown that the HPV is directly linked to cervical cancer, but we'll never be able to prevent, treat or cure every form no matter what some people who live in Fantasyland think even if we spent the entire tax revenue collected around the world on research into cancer.