I don't disagree with you. I think there is another way, we are just as a society to resistant to change to do it. We need to rethink what it means to have a job, or be employed. A persons security and self worth should not be tied to income. If we had one of two things, a universal minimum income, noone would be unable to afford the basics of life. It would cost the government way less to provide 25k a year to everyone over 18 than it would to pick up the pieces when the system fails and they are homeless. If we were able to separate jobs from income than everyone could work on what makes them happy, be better at it. And make extra money or get rich from the work.
If we have to continue doing less and less meaningful work, and robots are doing the hard labor, why not try that idea? If we don't change, we are going to be forced to change. We might at least try to make the new system kind and humane rather than ending with thousands on the streets and a failing social safety net. It's a complex problem.
If any of you are interested in this subject. A new way to view economics and society. Check out The Next System Project.