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At least you're starting at it from the proper direction. It will be harder to stop it.

There's the problem, you can suddenly bring in as many laws as you want but how will you enforce them? The end result is, in the short term, you don't because you can't and that will lead to pressure to make weed illegal again as the numbers using in public rockets thanks to a lack of thinking from those who REALLY should know better by now. They went for the big headlines, they didn't think things through, and some common sense earlier instead of headline-grabbing willy-waving and poorly thought out legislation would have led to a better, and clearer, situation.

An interesting thought is "What they would do if Bear did sit on his porch with a fat one?". After all, it's private property (unless social housing) so how will they tackle that issue as it's not the same as walking around on the street with a HandiBong...
There's the problem, you can suddenly bring in as many laws as you want but how will you enforce them? The end result is, in the short term, you don't because you can't and that will lead to pressure to make weed illegal again as the numbers using in public rockets thanks to a lack of thinking from those who REALLY should know better by now. They went for the big headlines, they didn't think things through, and some common sense earlier instead of headline-grabbing willy-waving and poorly thought out legislation would have led to a better, and clearer, situation.

An interesting thought is "What they would do if Bear did sit on his porch with a fat one?". After all, it's private property (unless social housing) so how will they tackle that issue as it's not the same as walking around on the street with a HandiBong...
I hear what you mean though. Maybe Canadians are different:smoking::rofl:
Yes!! For now!! Bylaws are already being implemented though to stop street interesting to see which places let street toking slide!!

Yeah, I can see it laws against public stoniness and, of course, the immediate outcry against the dangers of second hand marijuana smoke, so restaurants and bars will not be able to allow it. I'm so proud of our Canadian friends who got this passed, I just can't see it being left as is..............hope I'm wrong........but I'm afraid that the self appointed guardians of the public welfare will chip away until if you are lucky, you will be able to smoke in your own home!
Here in AK they left it to the locals to make up the rules and they were all stumbling over themselves to make it as illegal as possible. If the state had set a few standards it might have helped but hey it wasn't Really about "legalization' was it. More like profitizing
Yeah, I can see it laws against public stoniness and, of course, the immediate outcry against the dangers of second hand marijuana smoke, so restaurants and bars will not be able to allow it. I'm so proud of our Canadian friends who got this passed, I just can't see it being left as is..............hope I'm wrong........but I'm afraid that the self appointed guardians of the public welfare will chip away until if you are lucky, you will be able to smoke in your own home!
At least it's the anti's that have to do the chipping away:smoking:
Medical weed is legal where I live, but they have made it too expensive. $300 a month for your med card plus the expense of seeing a doctor. Anyone that does this is a fool. Hell, they don't even have a crop for the dispensaries yet. Maybe by Christmas.
Medical weed is legal where I live, but they have made it too expensive. $300 a month for your med card plus the expense of seeing a doctor. Anyone that does this is a fool. Hell, they don't even have a crop for the dispensaries yet. Maybe by Christmas.

Wow, do they hold a gun to your head to collect it? This is exactly what I'm afraid is going to happen in the US........there is too much damn money involved in canna to let it go without the government and big business cashing in for their share! AS R. Crumb's Mr. Natural used to say, "All I want is my fair third!" It will get legalized sooner or later and they will let us freaks and stoners play a little while.....and then the poop will hit the fan......"to insure uniform quality and protect the users, only pot from government approved vendors can be sold." I can hear it now, "in order to protect the consumer from pesticides and fertilizers that are harmful to our nation's health used by unscrupulous private growers............................."
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