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Not really...i have one fairly large outdoor building project to do before its full on winter. I am not sure i will get it done in time though

I'd send Hubby 'round to help if you lived closer........:biggrin:.......what you building...?
I am putting together a building that 5 cows can go into for milking, so my wife and her friend don't have to freeze in the outdoor elements while getting milk from the cattle
I grew up on unpasteurized dairy milk We would leave it overnight let it settle and take some cream off the top for coffee I grew up in a dairy community we would pay a local dairy farmer a few dollars for a 15-liter jug. I hated store bought milk. Everyone I knew drank unpasteurized milk it was normal. We would hit the local cheese factory at the right time and get a pail of fresh curd they would just give it to us as kids and teenagers. It was considered a throwaway product now you pay good money for days old curd. I love Cheese extra old 7 to 10-year-old cheddar. I am hungry now
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