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It sucks when people make one mistake and get fired.
A very sad day today. After seven years of training in the medical field and hard work, a very good friend of mine was fired after one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his clients and can no longer work in the profession. What a waste of time, effort, training and money. A genuinely nice guy and an absolutely brilliant mortician.

That was just a sample of my humor if we ever have a joint or beer together, expect that kind of
Adapt and overcome adversity....someone told me that one when i first started out growing and it seems to have stuck in my head! grow is kind of hurting!! Going on 24 days and pots still havent dried out from the initial presoak!! Ouch! Need to get used to the new environment!!
Adapt and overcome adversity....someone told me that one when i first started out growing and it seems to have stuck in my head!

Ha ;) Got that right man!! Wonder if i should just kill the original batch and restart. Only a couple are looking close to proper. I mean none are looking really bad, but none are looking great either (well the blackstone haze, double grape and especially the HSO blue dream are doing pretty well)
Adapt and overcome adversity....someone told me that one when i first started out growing and it seems to have stuck in my head!

BTW buddy...i recall reading "Observe, adapt, and then overcome adversity"

Right now i have observed, and am now taking steps to adapt to be able to overcome adversity. ;)

I've also got work fish!

Bog loads of them! I call them Blinky [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] thru [HASHTAG]#139[/HASHTAG]!

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