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Apparently, and I do mean apparently as I haven't tried it yet so ffs don't go doing it. But apparently if you stick a decent magnet on the side of your leccy box it will slow down the rate at which it charges you. New boxes are fitted with an anti tamper device and shut down if you try it but mines is pretty old so in theory this should work....
There's a lot of theories that don't pan out but fuck it I'll take one for the team and see if it works. Inlaws coming later but leaving at 2pm so I'll find out then.
If I recall correctly, that disc is aluminum, So you'd need to figure out your meter's "guts", and where to put the the magnet/magnets to ensure you're doing more than simply decorating your box. (Heh heh)
I take it your meter is top up too mate?
Yeah prepay with the little stick thing. Actually bricking it like. Be worth it if It works though. I just got a wee 15kg pull one. Figured the bigger ones would probably tear my wall down lol.
If I recall correctly, that disc is aluminum, So you'd need to figure out your meter's "guts", and where to put the the magnet/magnets to ensure you're doing more than simply decorating your box. (Heh heh)
Yeah I got told to just move It about and it should work eventually. Goin thru a fiver a day so I'll be able to see it hour to hour if it's working.. asuming it doesn't fry my box anyway lol
Yeah I got told to just move It about and it should work eventually. Goin thru a fiver a day so I'll be able to see it hour to hour if it's working.. asuming it doesn't fry my box anyway lol
Good luck brother, do you have to do anything when they come to read it?
Good luck brother, do you have to do anything when they come to read it?
Aye, keep the fucking door locked lol.
It just turned up and got excited so I've stuck it on already.
Would only stick to one spot so just let it jump out my hand and land where it wanted. It moved about by itself a bit then settled. Can hear that it's putting pressure on some sort of motor. There's a bit of a whizzy noise but my leccys still on. I've turned loads of shit on round the house so I'll tell soon enough if it's working woop woop
The joys of growing....
In the space of 48hrs, this happened...


I was treating what i thought was a calcium def, but seems i they developed a bit of leaf septoria!
So down to the shop i go for a bottle of neem oil!
Anybody got any other ideas what the problem is??
Apparently, and I do mean apparently as I haven't tried it yet so ffs don't go doing it. But apparently if you stick a decent magnet on the side of your leccy box it will slow down the rate at which it charges you. New boxes are fitted with an anti tamper device and shut down if you try it but mines is pretty old so in theory this should work....
There's a lot of theories that don't pan out but fuck it I'll take one for the team and see if it works. Inlaws coming later but leaving at 2pm so I'll find out then.
it does work on the really old ones with the wheel or so im told but i am a scouser and here about such things also did you have a good Xmas pal
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