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Morning rev!! Firing up the bong why not....its Xmas!! :D :D :D I had 2 new plants birth this morning!! Awesome! Dinafem Dinamex and the new Dutch Passion Desfran the Destroyer are alive!!
All 4 of my avt are showing tails about to drop in dirt now
I just got my AVT cured. You'r gonna love it. Skunky as hell but sweet. Motivated high, no real munchies. 1 hit strength for most.

All 4 of my avt are showing tails about to drop in dirt now
Here is what i am smoking today the photo version of think big (outdoor)
Twas the Night before Kushmas, when all thro’ the pad,
Not a creature was stirring, because of those dabs;

The Stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In Hopes that Ganja Clause would soon be there;

The stoners were nestled all snug in their beds
While hazy visions of fat sacks, danc’d in their heads

Mama had kief, and I had my pipe
We’d settled our brains as we smoked all night

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my bed and grabbed all my shatter

Away to the window, I flew like the Flash
Tore open the shutters, and grabbed a hold of my stash

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow,
Made it look trippy, as I hit my Hydro

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a lowrider sleigh, and eight tiny straindeer

With a jolly old driver, so lively and large
Holy shit, is that Ganja Clause?

More rapid than eagles his courses they came
And he whistled, shouted and call’d them by name:

“NOW! HASHER, now! Hasher, Now! Dabber and Splifsen,
“On! Bonget, on! Bonget, on! Blunter and Ripsen;

To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!
Now hash away! Hash away! Hash away all!

As dry buds before the wild hurricane fly,
When they met with an obstacle, mounted so high

So up to the house-top the straindeers they flew
With a sleigh full of sacks, and Ganja Clause too:

And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof of my pad
The bubbling and coughing, the hitting of killer dabs

As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney, Ganja Clause came with a bound

He was dress’d in hemp clothing, from his head to his foot
And his clothes were all tarnished, with ashes and soot

A bundle of nugs was flung on his back
And he looked like a peddler, selling fat sacks

His eyes – How they hazed! His smile was alright
He stopped real quick to spark up his pipe

His droll little mouth was dryer than hell
And the beard of his chin, had a particular smell

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath

He had a broad face, and a little round belly
That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old joker
And I laughed when I saw him, we’re both fucking tokers!

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon made me realize, there was nothing to dread

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his duties
and filled all the stockings with a shit load of doobies

And laying his finger on the side of his pipe
He took a monster hit, and disappeared into the night

He sprung to his ride, to his team he did yell
And away they all flew, leaving that ganja smell

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight;
“Hempy Kushmas to all, and enjoy all the stoner’s delight!


Getting in the Mood......:xmas:

Clock in when you are all Done and share a smoke with Friends:pass:.... [HASHTAG]#smokecannabislivewithfriends[/HASHTAG]

What a beautiful time of the year. I love the Holidays may everyone have a peaceful and a eventfull time where ever you live in this great world. Today is My BIRTHDAY 55 and still alive oh yeah getting older is not for sissys LMAO.

BUD SHOT MBAPView attachment 991092

Happy Birthday @F.N. :bday: don't forget to make a Wish ....:bighug::bighug::bighug:

Maybe wish for new hip..knees...lens replacement...:crying:

:xmas: AFN...have a blindin' holiday, one and all!:pass:



Mrs f6 just got a massive food aid package.. wtf

Her father passed last Thursday unfortunately and I guess the ladies she works with get she isn't a flowers type gurl.

Pretty crazy, like 4kg of sugar, 7 bottles of cordial, 10x 1lt long life milk, 5 jars of coffee. 10 packs of Tim tams.. ramen noodles ..... Out of control!

Nice gesture though, she/we are very humbled.

Good to know there is some "nice" left in the world!

From Mrs f6 and myself!

Merry Christmas AfN one and all!

You are ledgend!



Sorry to hear @fettled6 :bighug: for all the the Olden Days...:yeah:..your neighbours would cook you something and bring it around..
now no-one get a hamper... much more practical than a bunch of flowers.

After seeing a few too many funerals and hubby have had a radical rethink...:headbang:..we ain't having a funeral..we are having a Leaving Party.

Cut out the funeral service and move straight onto the wake...:cheers:
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