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The freezeland cannabis strain is originally from the SSSC that is based on the Friesland and it is the most popular and appreciated genetic in Quebec. This specific strain is the first selection for both users and growers. This strain is also one of the dynamic cannabis strains that are mostly indica. A typically indica strain, Freezeland is a stable cross of Pluton Male and Friesland cut twice (freeze bx20). It is also called a true workhorse strain for Northern cultivators. Her cannabis seeds produce wonderful tastes and smells ranging from pine to citrus/fruit. This plant is very big yield outdoor strain. You can suggest this kind of strain for beginners as well as producers.

Its height can grow from 48-60 inches during harvest time and can produce weight up to 100 to 225 grams and the outdoor harvesting month is mid-end of September. Canadian people will surely enjoy working with Freezeland since it is most popular, unique, fast growing as well as harvesting.

Hahahahahaha in what world is 100-225 grams a "very big yield outdoors"? Seems these fellas need a lesson in what a large outdoor cannnadian yield is!! I would be 110% embarrassed if i pulled 225 grams off a plant outdoors.
The freezeland cannabis strain is originally from the SSSC that is based on the Friesland and it is the most popular and appreciated genetic in Quebec. This specific strain is the first selection for both users and growers. This strain is also one of the dynamic cannabis strains that are mostly indica. A typically indica strain, Freezeland is a stable cross of Pluton Male and Friesland cut twice (freeze bx20). It is also called a true workhorse strain for Northern cultivators. Her cannabis seeds produce wonderful tastes and smells ranging from pine to citrus/fruit. This plant is very big yield outdoor strain. You can suggest this kind of strain for beginners as well as producers.

Its height can grow from 48-60 inches during harvest time and can produce weight up to 100 to 225 grams and the outdoor harvesting month is mid-end of September. Canadian people will surely enjoy working with Freezeland since it is most popular, unique, fast growing as well as harvesting.

Hahahahahaha in what world is 100-225 grams a "very big yield outdoors"? Seems these fellas need a lesson in what a large outdoor cannnadian yield is!! I would be 110% embarrassed if i pulled 225 grams off a plant outdoors.

I knew that name rang a bell (SSSC) ... this might interest you buddy :yoinks:

Hi every body!

Back in the days (1986) some guys called: Pim and Kees.
Started a seed company: Super Sativa Seed Club.
In this day, you could only buy brown imported weed from Jamaica or Colombia.

Luckily Pim and Kees had a friend from America: Sam the Sunk man.
He was growing some green high quality weed, what Pim and Kees never seen before.
And when Sam moved to Holland, he brought some special (sativa) old seeds that needed to be germinated or else they would have been to old to germinate.

Sam gave bag of seeds to Pim and Kees, and some other seeds to Neville.

Neville started: The Seed Bank that later evolved in to Sensi Seeds.
Pim and Kees Started the Super Sativa Seed Club...

Out of these seeds came some very special plants: Stativa's getting you high in a way different style. Then the Original haze appeared, that was a very big plant. Bud only with these tiny buds. and needed 16 week of flowering. Bud had a great taste and effect.
Sam the Skunk man, created : Skunk number 1, That was a heavy producer and fast flowering. So Sam And the SSSC combined there forces and crossed this Sunk Number 1 with this Original Haze and so The Old School Haze was born...

These where the days the War on drugs was declared by Ronald Regan.
So Pim And Kees though: Lets keep America High!
And there main focus was sending seeds to America. later they started shipping world wide.
After a while of sending seed over the world some governments did not like what Pim and Kees where doing, so they received official letters from governments kindly asking if they could stop with there activities...
Both Pim and Kees had just become dad's, and had quite some fun with the SSSC.
But they both decided that it would be irresponsible continuing with the company...

Now the New generation has stand up!
And the Sons of Pim and Kees, want to continue where Pim and Kees stopped.

We have some projects running making crosses with The Old School haze and some New School Genetics.

But now we will show our Auto seed making project.
In this tent we are making: Williams Wonder Auto
We have germinated 100 seeds, and from those we kept the 48 best ones.
Transplanted all of them in the 15 liter pots. and slowly am pulling the slow bad ones out.
Untill we will have left the 24 great ones
i also added to this tent a pot with 3 Auto Mazars, so will have a williams wonder crossed with the automazar. So that will be a new cross finished aswel
Hey @912GreenSkell What do think ?? I moved them but I'm not very optimistic but I'm going to see it though hell or high water I'm sure I can learn something !!! Like how not to burn up seedlings .
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