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...frustration got to me.
Being a cheapskate bit me in the ass. Gotta down tune my guitar to B standard for it to stay in tune. Thinking of finding some of those lock tuners to put on it... Black metal just doesn't sound right in a Nu-metal tuning.
Why wont it stay in tune at standard? Cheap tuners? You shouldnt need locking tuners unless your diving a whammy bar a lot?
Going to edit a few photos and update the class while I'm at work tonight.
You should check it out .
Learn some LST lol. Maybe if you keep the plants 8 inches tall the land lady won't notice 25 new trees every spring :crying::crying:
Auto ultimate.
B standard is what your 7 strings are usually tuned to.
Drop D is what Lamb of God uses. I've basically got to tune a Les Paul knock off down 2 1/2 steps to stay in tune lmao.
That's the tuning Machinehead used on the song "Davidian". Kinda low.
Thanks for including band names, this makes it all much more manageable in my non-musical talented mind! I need to spend some time studying music, I enjoy all the benefits of listening but have no idea what goes into making it.
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