Hey 9Bear, Sounds like you got a lot of plants to hide.
Don't know about there, but here they changed the freon some time back while still selling the old type machines. They get oldfolks to buy them cheaper then charge $75.00 a lb to charge up. Mine (landlords) took 10 lbs. Hope she has a reliable guy to deal with.
Down here, owning a house turned into a nightmare for a lot of families. I got lucky and sold mine just before the crash, Have sat out the crises as a tenant for 13 years and do not regret paying anothers mortgage one bit considering the .dediova I selbuort, troubles I avoided.
This is crazy. How does a keyboard decide to type backwards. This is twice it happened as I looked down at the keyboard then looked up to see gibberish and the cursor to the left of the reversed words. I thought I was losing it.