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Great looking plants there Bear..I love outdoor grows.
They didn't start out doors G.G :biggrin: They got moved when I got the urge to start that large Mephisto grow and the indoor plants became outdoor plants . :biggrin: and then we started the outdoor grow too soon :thumbsup: I haven't a clue what I'm doing I just all of sudden have a lot of plants and they want to germ and grow . :rofl: And I still have a spot for 2 more . :yoinks:
They didn't start out doors G.G :biggrin: They got moved when I got the urge to start that large Mephisto grow and the indoor plants became outdoor plants . :biggrin: and then we started the outdoor grow too soon :thumbsup: I haven't a clue what I'm doing I just all of sudden have a lot of plants and they want to germ and grow . :rofl: And I still have a spot for 2 more . :yoinks:

Oh, they still look really good, nice and full..Plants all over the place..For me that would be a curse and a blessing..Trying to get everything watered, remembering who I watered when, examining all the leaves and the OCD kicking in lol
Oh, they still look really good, nice and full..Plants all over the place..For me that would be a curse and a blessing..Trying to get everything watered, remembering who I watered when, examining all the leaves and the OCD kicking in lol
I do that anyhow !! and I'm not even OCD that I know of :nono: I'm impulsive at the best of times . I will start grows without finishing one and then I end up more plants than is smart & legal , too much to harvest at one time etc etc but I keep doing it and at my age why change . :toke: buttered rum the way to go versus tea for using a little cannabutter (or at least Earl Grey tea...dunno about ALL teas).

About one and a half cups of this last night got me pretty well knocked out asleep in the recliner in front of the tube.

1 ounce dark run
1 tablespoon light brown sugar or 1 tablespoon maple syrup
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 cup boiling water
1-2 teaspoon cannabutter (to taste)
1 cinnamon stick or 1 pinch cinnamon

Mix first three in a cup, pour in the hot water then melt in the butter and add cinnamon...easy peasy

Goooooood morning ANF!!!
@9bear Damn, those plants look phenomenal!!!!! My Crystal Candies didn't get even half that size!!! I also haven't been really taking care of them, but regardless, yours look amazing!!!

Got a good kick out of this because I just started working overnights, and the bosses truly don't care if you come in wrecked, as long as you do your job and keep the building secure.. They don't necessarily "condone" the behavior, but they are also not slow to fire someone for messing up.. Lots of people want in to the industry, so it's easy to be looked at as just a number.. Kinda like the military, but much MUCH more laid back lol
Good morning folks. Another beautiful day. Hope everyone has a great day/night. Drs orders, return to work in two weeks. Me: I'm going to do some light duty work today, it at least until it gets uncomfortable.
Beautiful plants @9bear
@Green Goblin nice roots lol I want to try mulching some outdoors, help retain some moisture on the really hot days. Unfortunately I think my outdoors season is cut short for now.
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