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Thanks for the tip. Trying to see if it works with what I've got on hand, so might think about giving the pumpkin spice tea a try, or the Irish Breakfast. If I head out to buy something, I'd likely just head by the liquor store and get a good rum to try hot buttered rum recipes and figure out what's in that before buying other teas, though. :smoking:

You convinced me at Hot buttered rum recipes ,
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So me and the mini me decided to take a hour drive to a big greenhouse center that's literally in bfe, and upon entering the main building I noticed a big cbd banner and a huge case full of cbd oils etc. So we did some shopping and thank God we drove the truck to fit everything, but while talking to the husband I got in to a conversation about super soil and super amendment super mixes and wouldn't u know he's a meph head also so we hit it off and for $25 and an hour helping him he mixed me up 50 gallons of some great looking super soil amendment mix that matches the meph mix, while doing all this he said hey have u used pro mix Soil before I said no but hear great things about it, why, well I have roughly half a pallet load from last year I would let go for $100 cash roughly 36-40 bags worth I said sold. So long story short it pays to know ur local semi local greenhouse centers, and he also is a auto grower along with a few photos a year. He asked if we would come back my answer was I will always come back, now this place is huge and I saw few people there shopping in there dead head shirts which makes me feel at home but nice to see more people like me in my state that's taking so long to come around to the rest of the world in the canna world, we finally have cbd legal and growing hemp seed for alternatives for farmers. May have to stop renting out my fields and start growing hemp.
Talking of bears ,,,, these are Bearhill seeds the one in the two ltr pot is lemon pledge and the other sourbubblyxblackdog
Well you outdoor toting son of a gun!! You certainly have me thinking big, with those pics!! Awesome work man!! Why is this not in the outdoor contest?????

Sorry to disappoint my friend, but this is not an outdoor grow....

She and her sister are being grown in my tent (autopots and 600w - 400v HPS), I just pulled her out for a photo in natural light, and to check for any problems (none expected - none found).

I am very happy with the way she and her sister are developing, to my eye they look good, I feel some quality meds will soon be in my stash again.

Still 4 weeks to go and both plants are already starting to frost up nicely, buds are very dense and as hard as rock.

Think Big 8.jpg
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Good Morning @Mossy , AFN . My house is a mighty fine house :crying:
View attachment 909476

Good Afternoon 9Bear. True, a mighty fine house.
You left out the third option in your next post. That you succeed in growing and harvesting your best and biggest crop yet.
To paraphrase the famous words of Nathan Arizona " You can do it that way too."

I’ve just started looking at all these forums, web sites etc, cos I’m an old fart, anyway AFN has been the only bloody place I haven’t seen people having a go at each other, I thought that would be the last thing I would find chilling with grass gurus, I really don’t understand it we are all here for the same reason aren’t we...?? I’ll be sticking around I think, wasn’t sure at first from what I saw on other sites, but once I got to know a few of you peoples I saw that it was cool. So you guys will have to put up with me for a while yet. Lol. I’m obsessed with perfecting Autos
Ps. I wouldn’t buy a strain of weed called meth or whatever I only let green crack slip in because of its association with The man Snoop Dog

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Good luck on your project. Maybe we will get to test some of your gear as you progress.

Thanks @9bear !

Love rocking & rolling with ZZ Top. :vibe:

Amen to that.

Hey all! Glad to be in The Neighborhood today! Is Mr. Rodgers in yet? I need to score some more info on being Neighborly! :pighug:Maybe I should go next door and offer them a doobie? :thumbsup: Make know?:frog:

. . Don't know how he would take it. You might have better results with Mr. GreenJeans on the corner..

Good morning everone

Same to you chefdave. Good morning Stoners.
@E Grower
From what I've gathered, cops would basically take one look at you, And just give you your $100 ticket. I'll pm you a page from norml that explains penalties for getting busted in this region. Basically follows the same route as a simple possession charge.

good afternoon Dichoti
That is the spirit of the law. BUT, around here, by the time they add the paraphernalia charges for the papers, bongs, pipes and grinders, Or any one of the above, its bye bye.
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howdy peeps :pass:earl grey = cement dust
yes i have started my own brand of idea of price or a name but il think up something real quick,just send me the eejits that are buying plain kitchen roll for £2 a pop:coffee:
Good evening Archie.
you have to try lady grey.

Grey's are not my cup of tea. :crying::crying::crying:
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Sorry to disappoint my friend, but this is not an outdoor grow....

She and her sister are being grown in my tent (autopots and 600w - 400v HPS), I just pulled her out for a photo in natural light, and to check for any problems (none expected - none found).

I am very happy with the way she and her sister are developing, to my eye they look good, I feel some quality meds will soon be in my stash again.

Still 4 weeks to go and both plants are already starting to frost up nicely, buds are very dense and as hard as rock.

View attachment 909614

Darn! Ahh indoor outdoor fakeout pics! :D Pics sure are better under the sun, thats for sure!
Speaking of stupid:
I was in a catfish tournament as a teenager.
I had the perfect, deep hole that contained a lot of huge channel cats, That you had to be part goat to get down to because of how steep the hillside is.
An hour into the tournament, quarter size hail starts coming down. (This was before the day of the smartphone, So I had to rely on my own "nature reading skills"...Whiiiiccchh were absolutely terrible at the time.)
I just leaned back against a big ol' sycamore for cover, and kept on fishing...
...until lightning hit the railroad trestle 10 yards upstream from me.
The ultrabright flash, and eardrum shattering noise was all I was going to take... I flew up that hillside in less time than it took me to get down it, and sat in my car until the light show was over.
I slid down the muddy hillside to where my pole was shattered and spread in a perfect circle aound where it once stood.
I pulled in my line by hand, to reveal what, Before the storm, would have won me the tournament and $1000 pot.
Big ass, DEAD shovelhead.
Needless to say, I don't fish in or right before storms anymore haha.:pass:

I know a commercial fishing captain who lost his adult son standing right next to him. Running the edge of the storm, the son held onto the metal tower leg and the captain had the plastic wheel when the bolt hit. Tragic.
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