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The lot electric...

Over feeding
nutrinet burn
Transplanting 2 day seedlings and breaking roots...

Thank god im not surgeon or a doctor.. you guys are lucky I’m destroying myself hahah

But I’m training up too be a gas engineer :chef: hopefully there’re will Ben minor mistakes :poof:
I hope it’s that trail.... I’m just hoping... any experiance from over watered plants and slow seedling growth... I’m usually very careful... first time I’m doing a coco grow... I thought coco was impossible too over water....
The lot electric...

Over feeding
nutrinet burn
Transplanting 2 day seedlings and breaking roots...

Thank god im not surgeon or a doctor.. you guys are lucky I’m destroying myself hahah

But I’m training up too be a gas engineer :chef: hopefully there’re will Ben minor mistakes :poof:
learning can be painful, and dangerous to wee ones
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