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Cutting down plants is the worst part lol. It always takes too long it's a love hate relationship lol
I'm still new enough at this that I still get enjoyment out of it. That or I'm just weird.

Probably the latter.

This strain really surprised me, given that the first grow I did also had really frosty pictures on the website, but didn't develop that way. This one is scary strong in that regard. Very thick, sticky buds and really frosty. Probably wont last long enough for a proper cure, but I will be going through the motions anyway.
Timber I must admit to enjoying growing it more now than smoking ,,,I still never have enough to smoke though :biggrin:
I'd have to say I give that an even split. Watching them grow is immensely satisfying... But so is getting so stoned that you forget how to put your shoes on.
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