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Morning Reb! :D



Ive selected male pheno number 7 to go with female pheno number 46 :rofl:

They're beautiful together!

S.O.B......some things just cant be unseen ,is there a number i can call

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You lucky bugger!! :D

I've got some black dragons, Bobbys dragons, russian dragons some original JEMs and something else in my old mossy care package :D
Although I think i may need a lab from the future to germinate them as i've been told the rates on my batch are a touch "iffy" lol

Good luck with that beauty! I'll definately take a seat - it's one i tried and the germ failed - still got some left for when i'm feeling really brave!


Didn't you say gibberick something or another put in the soak @Bear increases chances?
There's a few reasons he may have been a dud... Did you feed him like the rest of your clan? Where is he located?

If he was fed like all the rest and in the tent and still didn't produce I wouldn't breed with him personally...

When I choose a male I look for pretty much the same in him as the mother. Vigor, Smell, structure, virility, etc. And if you are breeding for stability then you want to literally match him with the female. Structure/Pheno wise...

I have just started reading The Breeders Bible... So I also have much to learn. But from where I have my own crosses right now that's how I've gotten them to this point. But those guidelines I mentioned...


Hope this helps...

Thanks :bighug: for detailed reply

, I aint sure he's dud yet :smoking:
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