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Not smoking on this yet, but we're almost home


She is stunning man!! Nice work!
@Mike20132 The only thing I can think of would be to take a 2 liter bottle, cap side down with a 1/4 inch rubber grommet and 1/4 inch irrigation hose and poke a small drip hole or 2 in the hose so it drips slow into the feed zone like a slow dripping faucet. You would have to check a 24 hour drip rate in a separate container and also know roughly how much your gg4 drinks in a day. you could 2 of these for less than 6 bucks and attach them to walls of your tent. Cheers
Thanks Skelly! I got a girl I'm not journaling that's about day 30 from Legend's collection, blue krush (blue cush x Grape Walker Kush).

The smell she's putting off is incredible man, reminds me of grape Kool aid powder.
@Mike20132 The only thing I can think of would be to take a 2 liter bottle, cap side down with a 1/4 inch rubber grommet and 1/4 inch irrigation hose and poke a small drip hole or 2 in the hose so it drips slow into the feed zone like a slow dripping faucet. You would have to check a 24 hour drip rate in a separate container and also know roughly how much your gg4 drinks in a day. you could 2 of these for less than 6 bucks and attach them to walls of your tent. Cheers

I like it, just the thought that it might overflow would really make me feel paranoid about leaving it alone for the first time use.
Simple always sounds fantastic to me, do you do your pork loin medium rare?
Not sure how @chefdave cooks his but medium-well (just a hint of pink) is how I usually do it. ~135F internal.
That sounds about perfect. Any links to build guides? Thanks so much!

I still have like 3 pages until I am caught up. But I remember seeing a YouTube video and a growing using aerogardens had this system that held reserve water. I will try to find it. If you don't already have a solution.
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