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Evening LS! Caught up but can't stay for the interview sadly, I had training today for my new job and I'm shattered.
I see you slowly catching up @Eclectic Elle :biggrin::pass:
Yeah took all day because of other things taking up my time...

Afternoon pal ,,, :d5:

Got me a job yet :biggrin:
You turning into Yosser Hughes hairy? :rofl:

100% support the independents
Why I don’t buy shoes at footlocker..
It’s Greenleaf nutrients new thing... dunno if I shoulda mentioned it.. but there’s always a leak lmao.. blew that whistle. I’ll stop there because it cost time and money to make new stuff and I don’t want to pressure them.. some proper detective work and people should know what I’m hinting at..
Currently trying to help them with setting up a hub in Canada.
That's great bro, I wish you all the best with it!

Catch you all later...
Evening LS! Caught up but can't stay for the interview sadly, I had training today for my new job and I'm shattered.

Yeah took all day because of other things taking up my time...

You turning into Yosser Hughes hairy? :rofl:

That's great bro, I wish you all the best with it!

Catch you all later...

Rest well Elle :bighug:.

Taipan keeps saying I got the job but I Still waiting for the company car to be dropped off :biggrin:
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