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Tried some of my freshly dried, just starting to cure Blackberry Kush. Not bad. Flavor wasn't at 100%, but it's a damned good, functional stone. Doesn't smack you in the face with a brick like "Derrrppp you're high, Now stay there, bitch." like the Gorilla Glue4 did. Seems to...on a scale of 1-10 for pain relief...sit at around a 4 or 5.
Not too shabby.
...lmao remind me to try that stuff earlier in the day. Vaping a bowl of it after a long day was relaxing, but energetic and functional...and then I was asleep.
Mornin' folks.
How's everyone today?
Morning @9bear :bighug:..what choo done now...?........:eyebrows:

I redesigned a door Mossy now I have to replace it my karma is too buy a new one and rehang it . My problem is to get one that fits ?? that somebody else hasn't returned which Home depot likes to do !! This is the fifth one that was either damaged in transit or damaged by buyer that screwed it up at home and returned it without an explanation .I might have to try Lowes but their expensive . But here again this is my Karma for a bad temper .
Had to use a beanpole to hold up the buds.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
I redesigned a door Mossy now I have to replace it my karma is too buy a new one and rehang it . My problem is to get one that fits ?? that somebody else hasn't returned which Home depot likes to do !! This is the fifth one that was either damaged in transit or damaged by buyer that screwed it up at home and returned it without an explanation .I might have to try Lowes but their expensive . But here again this is my Karma for a bad temper .

Like a Bear with a Sore Head,.......:vibe:...growwwwllll...

Something we have to do here....every single door here has punch marks...:nono:..hubby says he hopes people don't Think he did it....but as I pointed out..they are about 18 inches above his max reach.......:biggrin:
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