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Please tell me I'm not the only one who sits up half the night smoking bongs reading AFN and watching their plants grow.

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Nope. The wife said I have human kids to watch no only my green ones... I spent a little too much time in the garden some say. Hahaha I'm in the garden Now.
Yeah my wife thinks that I have a problem, I have to agree but i think the only problem i have is they don't grow quick enough
Nope. The wife said I have human kids to watch no only my green ones... I spent a little too much time in the garden some say. Hahaha I'm in the garden Now.

Sent from my SM-J320ZN using Tapatalk
Please tell me I'm not the only one who sits up half the night smoking bongs reading AFN and watching their plants grow.

Sent from my SM-J320ZN using Tapatalk

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
I do count from the time she breaks ground. Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope you are wrong.... :cheers:
I hope I am too, but I doubt it... I been doing this quite a long time...I'm pretty good at reading them, I could tell ya started count from ground I can tell ya that will throw your timeline off by already that puts her back a min of 2 weeks , so instead of 10wks ,she more like 8wks and I had said I thought she looked 7-7.5weeks so I think I'm even more correct....about when she will finish for ya... I'm just trying to help.....if 6-8weeks is gonna be a problem you can maybe reduce light to only 16hrs a day & 8hrs darkness and possibly she may finish in 6weeks..since auto's really not dependent on light to flower, reducing light may not do much...I just really do not see that finishing before 6weeks, I was only trying help ya adjust your timeline a bit, to put the grow more on track...
Good job bro, no worries, how could one not want to take pics of some nice weed?..Once the frost starts coming in,it gets addicting..

You know it bro, need to set up some kind of ganja photographers anonymous lol. Missed out on the photos this run with it being such a pain with so many crammed in and went with video updates for the most, making up for it now though :photog::funny:
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