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Mike, you would love the event recorder I got hooked up with has definitely improved these things.....when I was practicing the recorder was about the size and weight of a 700 page hard bound book and you had to go back every couple of days and have it reloaded with EKG paper and new batteries installed. No showers allowed either! This one has a plastic and foam pocket that fits under my left collarbone which holds the sensing and sending device which is about 3/4 the size of my old Motorola flip phone. It sends constantly to the recorder which is small Motorola smart phone. as long as I'm within ten feet it will pick up the signals....neat thing is that if I don't want to take it with me, the sensing device can record up to 4 hours of data and then dumps it to the recorder phone when back in range. It can call my doctor and 911 if a life threatening event takes place........I can shower........all I have to do for the 4 weeks is recharge the batteries!
Losing a broken tooth at the moment. Finally decided it was time to go, so it's starting to stew up an infection as it works loose. Gonna blast some amoxicillin until i can work it out. Probably why I am smoking so much of the GG tonight.
Kinda looks like a vegetable sausage!
It could be argued that is a very valid description. The paper is a transparent form of pure cellulose, much like the casings on a sausage. The insides are pretty much the whole flower ground up into a homogeneous blend of parts.

@Free Flow @fettled6 Hey guys any tips on cloning with dwc ( Cover , no cover, res temp. Straight phed water or light feed Higher PK?)

I'd be covering the res, be mindful of your collars and stem rot, someone used yoga mat material in thier diy cloner and it seemed to me cause of some issues.

I'd be keeping res temps around 22-24c as some evaporative coolness will occur in your spray chamber.

Try for good plain water and maybe some molasses and mammoth p or a rooting additive

I have some equipment to play with aero and was going to make my bottle grow aero but had to shelve that idea, maybe next time or for the crapper grow!
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