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Hey meds!
Thanks for getting back to me!

Have two optic 1XL’s. 3500k, 100 watt wall draw
Working in a 2x4x6 tent.
Growing two plants 5 gal smart pots in soil.
Starting plants on two 120watt cfls.
Thinking I can use the fixtures for side lighting later on.
Have some width to play with so will definitely LST. COBS can go up to the ceiling so got a bit of height too.
Move around a lot, and this could be my last grow for a while, can never tell as our business is expanding rapidly.
Would like to make the most of this grow :D

I’ve seen a few strange ranges of cfl’s apparently for growing and wondering what would be best to compliment the cobs, or just the standard 6400k veg and 2700k flower.

Cheers man :d5:

If it's just setting the room up with simple cobs and making each grow relatively the same, you get two more 3500ks for the corners, and then split the sides with two 2700ks and two 6400ks. That gives you all the power and solid balance in spectrum. UV-B and the deep and far reds, IR are what you need to figure in to veg and flower. As you probably know, getting more blue in spectrum with high UV-B concentration triggers higher terp production early on in veg, and the. If more deep and far reds can Ben introduced during the stretch, the resin and oil production also improve. Just be aware of this when choosing what you want.
I personally didn't want to invest a lot at the time I started and went with cobs as a base, I have 4(two 3500ks and two 3000ks- all around 75w each from the wall), one blurple with veg and bloom switches at 70w each and 140 total, and a qb board chinese copy pre made light made by Carambola and Vander Lighting. Great light at 215w wall draw, and super spectrum to get terps popping like crazy(kind of a pink light with green, blue, UV-B and IR lights on it. It has to get closer to get the ppms where it needs to be, but this light is my favorite to use for flowering a plant.
Cobs are great bro, but they don't do it all.
If I were you, I would get a couple more cobs from @BigSm0 to even out canopy, then find a couple booster lights with some extra blue in one and red in another. That will allow you to tinker with spectrum more and get the best from each individual strain IMO. Some will probably disagree, but I believe spectrum and intensity is where you will find your best yields and quality.

Good luck!
If it's just setting the room up with simple cobs and making each grow relatively the same, you get two more 3500ks for the corners, and then split the sides with two 2700ks and two 6400ks. That gives you all the power and solid balance in spectrum. UV-B and the deep and far reds, IR are what you need to figure in to veg and flower. As you probably know, getting more blue in spectrum with high UV-B concentration triggers higher terp production early on in veg, and the. If more deep and far reds can Ben introduced during the stretch, the resin and oil production also improve. Just be aware of this when choosing what you want.
I personally didn't want to invest a lot at the time I started and went with cobs as a base, I have 4(two 3500ks and two 3000ks- all around 75w each from the wall), one blurple with veg and bloom switches at 70w each and 140 total, and a qb board chinese copy pre made light made by Carambola and Vander Lighting. Great light at 215w wall draw, and super spectrum to get terps popping like crazy(kind of a pink light with green, blue, UV-B and IR lights on it. It has to get closer to get the ppms where it needs to be, but this light is my favorite to use for flowering a plant.
Cobs are great bro, but they don't do it all.
If I were you, I would get a couple more cobs from @BigSm0 to even out canopy, then find a couple booster lights with some extra blue in one and red in another. That will allow you to tinker with spectrum more and get the best from each individual strain IMO. Some will probably disagree, but I believe spectrum and intensity is where you will find your best yields and quality.

Good luck!

Awesome man, thanks for the advice, quite a bit to digest! :bow:
I have read a little about IR/UVB but far from knowledgeable.
Starting out I thought two 100watts cobs would cover one plant each nicely, so canopy would have a good spread in the space with some LST. Originally I was more interested in additional spectrums rather than general power. But I’ll take your word for gold and look into maybe adding two more 50watters, guess I’d have them in the middle, otherwise going to be loosing quite a lot of light on the walls if I have them on the edge no?
When you say booster lights I guess your not talking cfl’s.... I like the idea of adding this quantum board to the centre to cover both plants, but if it has to be closer it’s gonna end up blocking out the cobs as they need a bit of distance (so I’ve read).
Don’t want to sounds like I’m doubting you, just seems like it’s gonna start getting real busy in 2x4foot space if I’m adding so much! I’m probably entirely wrong, so bare with me....

Many thanks!
ph chart.JPG
Since the Dutch Pro nutes I'm using require PH adjustment, and the previous 2 years worth of PH perfects didn't, I'm re-familiarizing myself to it. I came across this.I hadn't seen it so maybe others hadn't so here it is.

Now I understand why cal/mag is sold together. They have identical profiles.
how about adding something like this to the mix @MedCzech ...
just had a look at the same brand I bought the cobs from. Unit is expensive but willing to put in the money.
With that I get two extra cobs, plus the led's for UVB and IR.
Im sure theres cheaper options, trawling through the internet but not having so much luck right now.

Anybody else who knows of good lights for UVB & IR supplementation would be great to hear from you.

Cheers :cheers:
how about adding something like this to the mix @MedCzech ...
just had a look at the same brand I bought the cobs from. Unit is expensive but willing to put in the money.
With that I get two extra cobs, plus the led's for UVB and IR.
Im sure theres cheaper options, trawling through the internet but not having so much luck right now.

Anybody else who knows of good lights for UVB & IR supplementation would be great to hear from you.

Cheers :cheers:

If you are familiar with the beneficial wave length's or look them up, to be able to know what you need, compare some of the medical UVB lights used for skin treatments and or sterilization. IR is more common, I was thinking of putting a yard security camera in the space, most of them use IR for night vision. Two birds, one stone. If they use a beneficial WL.
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