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@Mossy This is quite interesting for the UK!

Yup @arty zan

Me and hubby were watching Police Interceptors the other day..on a canna we were watching...:headbang:..the police sergeant showed a fully grown..nicely grown cannabis plant and he said...the drug dealers pull all the LEAVES off....put it in little baggies and sell it for £10 a packet....THEN...the LEAVES grow back and they can harvest it again..and that is how they make so much money.....:crying:

Hubby and me were cracked up on the settee.....he didn't even know what they did with it......:crying:...way to Go Dumbo......:headbang: Great Giggle...
Nice one bro! I like the psychedelic Pacha cherries! :woohoo1::thumbsup:
I've been once in Pacha club for closing partys i think 1999 and was drinking a strong martini with exact such a pair of cherries on the glass!

Yup @arty zan

Me and hubby were watching Police Interceptors the other day..on a canna we were watching...:headbang:..the police sergeant showed a fully grown..nicely grown cannabis plant and he said...the drug dealers pull all the LEAVES off....put it in little baggies and sell it for £10 a packet....THEN...the LEAVES grow back and they can harvest it again..and that is how they make so much money.....:crying:

Hubby and me were cracked up on the settee.....he didn't even know what they did with it......:crying:...way to Go Dumbo......:headbang: Great Giggle...
Poor fella he sounds right confused but like many legends, there maybe a grain of true in his ramblings.
What he is saying doesn't sound so crazy if you were talking about "regenerating photo's" where some leaves are removed but a majority of the lower fan leaves are left on.
The plant still needs a little veg time but it doesn't take as long as it would to veg from seed, where the plant need around three weeks to reach sexual maturity as the plant won't flower until then.

The ridiculous thing is if you grow an 8 week Auto (seed to crop) & you can get 6 crops a year as opposed to a 8 week flowering photo which would still need to vegged for three first weeks until it would be capable of being induced to flower.
Although a regenerated photo plant can be cropped in 8 weeks,some extra veg time, will mean a larger yield... but and this is the but...for each successive regeneration the yield will be lower than the original crop and it will keep decreasing the more you regenerate it.
It's just easier to have a separate cloning box and take the cutting from a mature plant, once the cuttings have rooted they can be flowered instantly because they came from a sexually mature plant.
Flowering rooted cuttings is a great way to grow sativas in a SOG style grow.

The thing that always gets me is when you see the police on the telly doing a raid and they then call grow lights "heat lights" Oh my that has me falling around in gales of laughter, if they only realized how much trouble people have controlling the heat in a HID grow room in the summer.
They are called grow lights because we use them to produce "Light" in order to grow the plants!!" :rofl:
It's true that using LED lights is more efficient and they produce a great amount of light than heat, when compared to an HID light, but it is easier to heat a grow room than cool a room, a simple tube heater with a thermostat will do the job nicely.
These days it seems a great number of hobby growers use LED lights but it is the large growers they bust as they are no longer interested in some guy growing some percy in his flat.

Every time you see pictures of a large grow bust in the the paper/internet they always have a gazillion HID lights and makes it easy for the police to find them using FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red).
Seeing as a heat sig is used to spot the grow plod put 2 & 2 together and comes up with 5, not actually understanding what is going on in the life of a cannabis plant!
If the police were taught to use their brains, they would be dangerous!:crying:

There is a new phone on the market called the "CAT S61" which has FLIR which has been enhanced over the last model the "CAT S60"
This is incorporated in the phone, unlike the "FLIR 1" which needs to be attached to smartphone and is sold separately.
What a totally handy thing to have with you, you can then view your cab and assess if any insulation issues need attending to, in order to make your grow invisible from outside FLIR scanning.
I love stealth and I know my cab doesn't show up heat wise and it is also silent too! (a lot of time and effort & money but it is totally worth it)!:headbang:
I've been once in Pacha club for closing partys i think 1999 and was drinking a strong martini with exact such a pair of cherries on the glass!
Very nice!!
I have never been to Ibiza, in fact I am not a well travelled person at all, mores the pity!
All may rave day were UK based but very good none the less.
Mostly it free parties and local clubs , I have only been to one pay rave, which was "Universe - Big Love" in 1993.
On of my fondest memories was "Sodbury Common Free Festival" which was originally called "Avon Free Festival". Avon free would happen every year in may the year before it was at "Inglestone common" and the year after it was the legendary free festival at "Castle Morton" the Sodbury common was the first 3 day event in the UK.
It was the UK's first free RAVE festival, as i mentioned it was over 3 days rather than just being an overnighter free party.
I even bought the best cup of tea I have ever had there for 20p, from some guys. It was in a really knacker mug stained with tanin, but after pulling an alnighter and the sun had been up for a few hours, I really needed a cuppa and a chill with a spliff of course.
As I drank it, it was like drinking divine nectar..soooo goood!
But then again, I was on an acid come down lol (Pink floyds - The wall, tabs) and a cuppa was exactly what I needed!
Each brick was two tabs.
Mighty pokey!
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