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What up peeps. Riddle me this, I have a friend ,actually one of my mentors, who finally after almost a year I convinced to try autoflowers, autocobs and MC. I even got him the 2 autocobs and his seeds. Here's where he's blowing my mind. He doesnt ph nor does he increase or decreases his MC/SC mix he feeds the same from start to finish grows in 1.99 potting soil and heres his results so far. Mephisto Chem doggin the biggest and oldest plant and Bubba Trouble is 2 weeks behind both have just 1 of @BigSm0 autocobs over them. I did have him add 1tbsp Epsom salt for mag issue just in case

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I have never adjusted ph or added cal mag and have not yet had a problem. I do splash out on the good $9.99 poting mix but lol. Now I have said that i bet it bites me in the arse. I use biobizz fishmix, grow, biobloom, but I do add seaweed every other day. I think i have grown 18 plants like this so far without deficiencies, my girls are only inside for the first 3 weeks /month but

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I brought it up in here a few weeks ago when the plant was quite a bit smaller, and had been told it’s just variegation. I was hoping the plant would grow out of it but she doesn’t seem to be at all. Here are two leafs directly opposite each other on one of the main tops of my Grapey Walter. Just odd. It sort of makes me want to choose this one for the battle but also sort of worries me that she’s just a freak and won’t develop properly.


Maybe I am over reacting. I don’t know. Certainly isn’t normal :shrug:
And what would the dosage he uses be? In grams per gallon? Asking for a friend.
He said it's all by sight he's a member here just doesnt like to post old school
vareiagation getting more popular it seems :shrug: evening J :pass:on big road trip to the weed store ?

To be honest, if I had the space for more than just a couple plants I’d likely have culled and just dropped a new bean. Running a two autopot system for the first time I said screw it they both make it to the end ugly or not.
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