Cultivators Club
Yeah I am loving the autos so much at the moment that im not sure if I will run photos this year. I have so many autos i want to try, I'm loving how fast a turn around they have. I'm sure you cant go past the yeild of a photo but. I hope to plant 6 autos a month year round.
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You might remember this from one of my guides, but this is a thought i had after putting in some serious effort into autos outdoors
"Some last thoughts about auto growing in the great outdoors. At first I thought of autos as just a way to pull a little extra bud from some different varieties, you know a half ounce or whatever of some different smoke. As time and technique progressed, I have quickly realized that they are not just a way to meet production, but to exceed production compared to photoperiod strains in a much short timeframe(like harvesting in July and august). I have done the math, and using the same space as my average last season planting a ton of autos instead of few photos, the yield would greatly exceed in favour to the autos. Pulling 5oz on the average per auto in a 2.5' X 2.5' sized space is major yield compared to the size/yield ratio of the outdoor giants. I am not planning on ditching photoperiod plants, as the number of autos I would need to match the weight of 4 quality photos far exceeds the plant numbers I am willing to grow, but there is indeed strength in numbers!! I scoured my full sun garden this season, and I realized that even with 4 photoperiod plants(they get BIG if you have never read one of my journals or my monster training guide), I can fit as many as 9 autoflower plants that will be harvested before the photos get too big and need the space. Really its a perfect symbiotic relationship! Photos and autos are meant to grow together!"