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Tag me if you do the vape!
Morning all.

Going to be a busy one, need to get a vape fluid mixing kit and a flavouring to mask the inevitable as the Cheese is ripe for coming down and that means and leaves not dying off, stems, trim and even some bud will be saying "Hello" to Mr. Blender (here's me talking about a new coffee grinder when I have a perfectly good blender with multi-speed, a choice of blades and several different "jars" that attach. In fact, I have two sets of blades/jars as I cooked the motor of the last one making my own version of proper Nawlins "cocktails". Why would I need another coffee grinder!! D'OH!!) before there's a decarb and experiments in making THC e-juice. I have 4 ways to make the stuff, one is a no-no as it takes premixed e-juice and you just mix weed into that and leave it alone which sounds rather nasty, two use alcohol and one doesn't, all have different times needed to either infuse or "cook" the juice, no idea which one will get done first but tending to the "without alcohol" method as it looks VERY simple and, should it work in an old e-pen then it should take my legs off in a sub-ohm atomiser.

Other options include ice blender hash, or I get her hair straighteners out (that's gonna make me popular).

She's as good as ready to be chopped, but since she's in a 1 gallon pot she's rootbound to hell so leaving her much longer will not actually achieve anything. But with the fabric pots waiting to be picked up from the reseller in China I won't have that problem again, especially as things will be getting moved around a bit so "main" plant sits in one spot further away from the fans and I veg off another in the spot where Pandora is now (On top of front load washing machine, once she hits 1400 rpm the poor wee plant must think there's an earthquake but I'll bet the vibration strengthens stems).

So fun times to keep me occupied.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Anybody heard from @Taipan? Don't think I've seen him here in over 2 weeks.........

Hi mate. Thanks for checking on me.
I am traveling with work in Europe and internet not the best also not used to login on to AFN on phone.
I be back in uk next week.
Talk soon mate.

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Tag me if you do the vape!

Sent from my comfy chair.
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If the "without alcohol" method works, cooking straight into 70/30 base, I'll let everyone know. And once I find the "right" method, which will either be the straight cooking for 3.5 hours or a QWET because I ain't in the mood to sick a bottle in a closet for 3 months, then the word will go out.

It's not a case of "if", more of "when" because it will be done. Two reasons, one being use every sniff of cannabinoids from the plant (leaves,stems, bud) to get as much as possible, second reason being stealth. Let's face it, every man and his dog is walking about with e-cigs nowadays, I routinely carry two as one is my CBD vape juice and another "regular" one just to keep me off the cancer sticks a bit, so you can see where I'm going with this since any questions leads me to showing opiates, valium, and the reason I have them. It's gonna be a brave plod who pushes that button provided I ain't so far off my face he'd be lifting me anyway.
What up grow Bros and Gals?


f6 is fkn ticked off!


My Spiritwalker was a bit fast to dry out and very airy! I'm not surprised as she foxed and was a bit of a spindley grower.

Final weight will be less, maybe 220ish. She has 24hrs in the bags and then I'm going to have to squish the buds to aid in density and bag appeal.

Not that she will be going out into the marketplace... much.

She is very sticky and oily so happy there.

Ruby is the opposite! Very dence and fine bud structure so fingers crossed!

What up grow Bros and Gals?


f6 is fkn ticked off!

View attachment 956384
My Spiritwalker was a bit fast to dry out and very airy! I'm not surprised as she foxed and was a bit of a spindley grower.

Final weight will be less, maybe 220ish. She has 24hrs in the bags and then I'm going to have to squish the buds to aid in density and bag appeal.

Not that she will be going out into the marketplace... much.

She is very sticky and oily so happy there.

Ruby is the opposite! Very dence and fine bud structure so fingers crossed!


Me Too @fettled6 :bighug:


Big pot down due to caterpillar damage..:pass:.....
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