Wanted everyone to know I was ok. I haven't read much of the older posts yet (too tired), but thanks
@hesgone13 for letting people know what's up.
Figured I'd tell you all what happened before I crash for the night.
Thursday morning I woke up dizzy and exhausted, and shortly after plopping myself down in a chair I was short of breath and sweating profusely.
After a few minutes of it just getting worse, I rang up 911, packed up a very few essentials, locked up the house, and sat on the front patio waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
For the past several months, I have lived with nearly 50% of my waking time with some form of sharp abdominal pain. About 10 years ago, I was hospitalized with a really bad case of diverticulitis. After recovering, the surgeon told me that the procedure to remove the damaged tissue was elective, if I did not get it done I had a 50% chance of it happening again in my lifetime. He also said that until I had the operation, the damaged tissue would be subject to inflammation and I should expect occasional discomfort. And I did. Increasing in frequency on an almost logarithmic scale. I just assumed that was all it was.
The thing was that for that event, I was driven to seek help by an alarmingly sharp pain in my side. It was so bad that I could not stand up. I was not experiencing that now. I assumed it was as the surgeon described.
Up until Thursday, I just assumed it would be something I had to live with until I had the surgery.
I was wrong.
That morning, the abdominal pain I had grown somewhat accustomed to was now joined by that old familiar stabbing sensation right where I expected it. Confirmed upon arrival at hospital. I had an incredibly bad case of (again) diverticulitis. White blood cell count was 30,000+. 6 times what is considered normal, and twice what is considered of grave concern.
This thing had been brewing in me for nearly a year.
At hospital, they told me that they were also concerned about my heart. They detected what they described as a rather generic-sounding "heart enzymes." Still not clear on what that really is, but I had been noticing what felt oddly like what I imagined heart arrhythmia to feel like for the past few weeks.
All this from what I thought was, while not entirely benign, clearly something I eventually would have to deal with, but not a critical moment. I had no idea it was a life-threatening condition.
Anyway, I am home now and will be spending most of the next few days in bed. I had asked
@hesgone13 to let you know what was up because I was not sure when I could write what I am writing now.
Thank all of you of you for the well wishes. I can honestly say that I love all of you. I think of you as family.
See you guys after I've rested a bit.