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I haven't grown enough to know what makes a strain harder to grow. I tend to struggle with pretty much every one... :cheers:

I know what you mean, but my usual issues are not related to strains but are more because of my shovel paws, sausage fingers and heavy handedness.

But practice makes perfect, you just need patience.

Anyways, a vaguely good morning to all. I say vaguely because the suns out and I've had my morning Earl Grey while the coffee brewed, but now it's time to knock the painkillers down with coffee to get them to kick faster or it'll be a crippling day for me if I can't get myself moving.

And, of course, I need some nice, quiet, soothing music to put me in the right mood to clear the head and prepare for whatever the world decides to throw at me today. Turn it up to 12, boys...

Trade ya!


Live where I do I have no neighbours to bother me it makes for a great life living in the country in the middle of no where

If I had the choice I would, but since I can't drive any more and, well, I've seen SWMBO on Mario Kart and that was scary enough so she wouldn't get a chance to get behind the wheel under any circumstances, it would be a bit of a problem.

Otherwise I'd jump at the chance of a little place with a south facing back yard and nobody near me.

Ho hum, maybe I'll win the Euromillions tomorrow and such inconveniences will vanish overnight...
Good evening everyone!

Looking into buying a vaporiser and been looking through some of the forums here, pretty old threads though. So many top 10 list reviews on the web but not finding a lot of correlation between them, just making decisions harder. Im sure its a lot down to personal preference but value the opinions of you guys.

Had a friend recommend the storz bickel mighty, but damn its expensive. 600 aussie dollars!!
Want something for home, dont smoke out and about, but mrs isn't keen on a big table top job. Something handheld we can pass between us is ideal. Don't mind spending good money on good quality, and if the mighty is the best for the money then maybe I'll take the plunge.

Any and all opinions appreciated!!
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