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@912GreenSkell don't allow these people to upset you your a smart guy take that energy and reapply it to a different angle . View the bastards as the competition and look for a way to defeat them at their game . I know easier said than done but I have confidence in you for what it's worth . :thumbsup:

I just can't help but be pissed off that the very system that should be here to help the critically sick and injured is the very same system that is taking advantage of the sick and injured so they can fill their coffers full of coin selling overpriced cannabis. It is't right!!
I just can't help but be pissed off that the very system that should be here to help the critically sick and injured is the very same system that is taking advantage of the sick and injured so they can fill their coffers full of coin selling overpriced cannabis. It is't right!!

I've been working in the commercial side of the industry now for about 2 months and I already have more insight and knowledge into the sick side of the industry than even I care to shake a stick at. Want to get really pissed off? Look at the requirements for testing for contaminants for buds being sold for dispensary use and/or blasting into extraction. You can remediate moldy, shitty weed to the point where it will pass an inspection, then blast it off for sale to dispensaries (med and rec.) Certain states have more loose requirements on which contaminants they test for. The sample sizes are TINY too compared to the volume of bud required by weight (like fucking minuscule.)

THC testing? What a joke. The variance allowance in testing, on tops of no standardized methods for testing, put THC levels ALLLLLLLLLLL over the map. HUGE variance allowances on clone-only, "fuck you autoflower growers, photos are king" strains :rofl: . I tell those old celebrity breeders they can SUCK it man, they've fed us a load of bullshit for years based on testing they don't even (or maybe even do) comprehend themselves.

18-28% THC on some of my photoperiod bud from the dispensary. As a consumer purchasing seeds based on what you've heard on THC content, what are you more willing to purchase? 18% Or 28%?

Marketing. BS.
I just can't help but be pissed off that the very system that should be here to help the critically sick and injured is the very same system that is taking advantage of the sick and injured so they can fill their coffers full of coin selling overpriced cannabis. It is't right!!
greedy bastard.
I've been working in the commercial side of the industry now for about 2 months and I already have more insight and knowledge into the sick side of the industry than even I care to shake a stick at. Want to get really pissed off? Look at the requirements for testing for contaminants for buds being sold for dispensary use and/or blasting into extraction. You can remediate moldy, shitty weed to the point where it will pass an inspection, then blast it off for sale to dispensaries (med and rec.) Certain states have more loose requirements on which contaminants they test for. The sample sizes are TINY too compared to the volume of bud required by weight (like fucking minuscule.)

THC testing? What a joke. The variance allowance in testing, on tops of no standardized methods for testing, put THC levels ALLLLLLLLLLL over the map. HUGE variance allowances on clone-only, "fuck you autoflower growers, photos are king" strains :rofl: . I tell those old celebrity breeders they can SUCK it man, they've fed us a load of bullshit for years based on testing they don't even (or maybe even do) comprehend themselves.

18-28% THC on some of my photoperiod bud from the dispensary. As a consumer purchasing seeds based on what you've heard on THC content, what are you more willing to purchase? 18% Or 28%?

Marketing. BS.
Potency sells weed so that's how they market it, but your right it IS a joke. Like you said between the variance, differences is testing standards, and who knows what else, how accurate can those lab tests be on a world wide, or even state wide level. And even then max potency does not tell all about a strain
I just can't help but be pissed off that the very system that should be here to help the critically sick and injured is the very same system that is taking advantage of the sick and injured so they can fill their coffers full of coin selling overpriced cannabis. It is't right!!
Skellie I've been around long enough that there is and always will be someone or somebody willing to stick it up your ass one way or another .It's the ying and yang of life . If you get upset they win if you get even you win . :thumbsup:
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