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whats the longest anybody has had an auto go without showing pistels?

i keep good records

if you mean preflowers

Longest so far for me is Think Big.......44 days to show preflowers

quickest for me is Cream Caramel.....3 days after first leaves.
Hi pal :d5: another early finish :thumbsup:

What is it you sell if it's ok to answer:coffee:
I work for trading company, We sell all kinds things.
I start early as I have go see customers, I also work from home talking to customers. so I cant get wasted till after 330pm today. just had small joint to keep me going.
i keep good records

if you mean preflowers

Longest so far for me is Think Big.......44 days to show preflowers

quickest for me is Cream Caramel.....3 days after first leaves.

3 days!! Wow!
What did it yield?

I’ve takin some time off and me knowledge is rusty ...
But it’s like how people make those essential oil extracts and sniff them to get different highs, been done since bible times...
The terpenes bind to different receptors in the brain causing or stimulating the different effects

Something like that,
It’s why lavender smell makes you feel calm and such
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What I can't figure out at times is let's say you have a plant dripping in trichs and another with little but it doesn't all ways equate to how strong the effect is

THC isn't the most important factor in what gets you high, it's turned into almost a marketing tool to sell stuff to stoners. There are so many cannabinoids that make the special sauce "special," it's only because the industry typically wants to see "THC/CBD" do we see the emphasis on that, when the reality is those other cannabinoids exist whether they are tested for or not, and those percentages we perceive (since they are so small) are not yet well understood as to how and why they provide the synergy that they do.

THC testing in itself is wildly inaccurate, there is no standard for testing (multiple ways to do it,) and the variances allowed are RIDICULOUS, on top of that, there is no standard for test samples either. You can pick the samples you send in for testing, that is SO fucking skewed lol.

I'm a consumer in Colorado, my medical dispensary, clone-only, photoperiod only, godly-genetic photoperiod bud, often will test out with over 10% variance allowed, right on the label. 18 to 28% bud. 13 to 23% bud. It's not possible (in my opinion based on the science) to produce a consistent THC level throughout the plant, no way, no how, just doesn't happen. THC should never be a static number for flower; that's BULLSHIT.
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