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Man look, when I was growing up, we went to the beach almost daily, east coast United States, Atlantic Ocean. The first time I saw shark week in 2000 something I called my mother (god rest her soul) and asked how much she really cared about us lmao
I had no idea, nobody did I guess or at least not regular folks. I used to swim and body board all over the place. Between where the waves break and sandbars is a good place for shark, I had no idea, me and my friends wed get in between and see who could touch bottom lmao we loved it. No idea about sharks. Ya we knew they were out there somewhere in that vast deep ocean but not right with us. I'm not scared of them, I know where they live now, so I just avoid it. Kinda. Me and a friend, last 3 years started fishing for shark. We didn't go this past year though. We need a bigger boat. We'd go out in this 14 foot John boat load hooks up with mackerel and bunker and throw Chum bucket over the side of the boat. It's fun and scary as shit. We caught a big stingray once and she gave live birth in the boat, coolest thing I've ever seen. They looked like gerbils vacuum sealed in wings lol here's the pic of the stingray. My boy has the video of the babies I'll have to see if I can get him to send it. I'm pretty sure he still has it.
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Mmmmm shark... The pork chop of the sea. I always liked throwing shark meat on a bed of taters, peppers and onion and baking it.
Rays and skates are good eating too. Bread them and deep fry them and they taste like scallops.
My Mephisto seed fund..Those new Artisinals and whatever else after...My recycling game is on point...cans and bottles add up when you forget about them and stockpile.


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