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I want to make a quick footnote....I took the highest amount of tincture i have ever taken a few hours ago, and I am pushing it all the way by toking my brains out with some hash and spiritwalker, so my thoughts are more than a bit slightly twisted right now. ;) :D
Sounds like you might be best off framing out an area, insulate and ventilate. Basically, a climate controlled room..But, iam sure that has floated in your mind.
Yeah I think that is the way I will go with it..

I can create a couple of ways to cool it by simply changing venting hoses bases on the time of year. I want to be able to control the climate as good as possible.
Yeah I think that is the way I will go with it..

I can create a couple of ways to cool it by simply changing venting hoses bases on the time of year. I want to be able to control the climate as good as possible.

Yes absolutely!! If you can keep the ambient room temps in check with the AC/heat unit in the insulated zone, then it should work great! Humidifier for controlling/rising rh i assume?
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