I made a trip to Colorado in 2014 a couple of months after legalization. It was like heaven. Even though the weed prices were outrageous it was so cool to be able to legally possess that which should never have been illegal in the first place. On that trip all the weed I got was outstanding. I have been several time since and the weed has gone down hill a little more each time. i was there in January and bought three different strains from 3 different dispensaries. All three gave me a headache immediately after smoking it. Money ruins everything. People with money ruin everything. You can't trust anyone or anything hardly anymore due to the love of money. The people with the most money make the laws. Nothing is illegal for them and everything just about is illegal for us. Hell I used to love to watch football, but money has ruined that too. To be truly free and happy you got to do like
@trailanimal and drop out as much as possible. I have as much as I can for now.

You gotta make your own fun and like
@9bear was saying quietly stick it to em every chance you get.