Good Morning A.F.N.
My first intention was to come hear and moan and groan about my misfortune with my indoor grow and do a "Whoa is me said little sorrow " . As you can see my indoor season may be over and did not turn out as expected . In fact it sucked .I have decided rather Que Sera Sera , Bad Karma ,Bad Ju Ju ,What goes down must go up attitude . On the plus side I did not destroy anything and the only injury is my pride which I'm sure will recover in time . I would like to request a name change @Mossy , @Son of Hobbes to 9Bear as @Feenix has suggested.
On a positive note I'm a member at Facebook and have flaunted my disdain for the current laws against the use and growing cannabis by showing my grows , As a result I received a request from an older gentleman ( he's 84 ) who is suffering a great deal of pain from rheumatoid arthritis . I have directed him here and mentioned both @Root & @Mossy as more than competent people to talk to I hope I haven't stepped out of line .
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Don't let it get you down brother, chit happens. Just start again.
When I make my own nick names for folks, it's out of respect, and because I usually type one handed, Which one depends on my Rheumatoid Arthritis..pain level that day. My doctor would have me in a hard neck brace and is amazed at the movement I have regained
through my own p.t. regimen, trainer., and Triangle Dragon.
Meet my physical therapist. We mimic each others head movements daily. There was a lot of grinding and pain at first but now I'm moving smoothly with the pain in control.
Edit: Forgot to mention the liberal doses of aloe. (oops, can I say liberal here?)