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Good Morning A.F.N.
My first intention was to come hear and moan and groan about my misfortune with my indoor grow and do a "Whoa is me said little sorrow " . As you can see my indoor season may be over and did not turn out as expected . In fact it sucked . :nono: I have decided rather Que Sera Sera , Bad Karma ,Bad Ju Ju ,What goes down must go up attitude . On the plus side I did not destroy anything and the only injury is my pride which I'm sure will recover in time . I would like to request a name change @Mossy , @Son of Hobbes to 9Bear as @Feenix has suggested.
On a positive note I'm a member at Facebook and have flaunted my disdain for the current laws against the use and growing cannabis by showing my grows , As a result I received a request from an older gentleman ( he's 84 ) who is suffering a great deal of pain from rheumatoid arthritis . I have directed him here and mentioned both @Root & @Mossy as more than competent people to talk to I hope I haven't stepped out of line .

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Don't let it get you down brother, chit happens. Just start again.
When I make my own nick names for folks, it's out of respect, and because I usually type one handed, Which one depends on my Rheumatoid Arthritis..pain level that day. My doctor would have me in a hard neck brace and is amazed at the movement I have regained
through my own p.t. regimen, trainer., and Triangle Dragon.

Meet my physical therapist. We mimic each others head movements daily. There was a lot of grinding and pain at first but now I'm moving smoothly with the pain in control.


Edit: Forgot to mention the liberal doses of aloe. (oops, can I say liberal here?) spent to be able to protect my herb plants from these asshole thieves this year. Security central now. Many night vision cameras, siren tower on independent far does this need to go? :shrug:
Last edited: guys have no idea how much stress it puts on you...knowing there is assholes out there skulking around in the dark looking to steal your whole years worth of medication. Sending drones over to scope out your meds.....yeah growing is a ton of fucking fun
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