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Hell maybe you've just been lucky that they're all eating the same without issue, which is great for you.

Your sample size is still pretty small if you really think about it, it's been what, about 15-20 plants?

I think the other thing to consider is that across all of us that are using it, we aren't all feeding the same amount at same time, so there are definitely differences in feeding dosages work multiple strains reacting to those feedings.

Right the way I've been doing is all in the grow, luck my friend has nothing to do with they way MEGA CROP works IMO
Beautiful Day here today !! Sun's shining 62 degrees and sure than hell it'l snow tomorrow . The ultimate optimist . :nono:
no snow today, more on the way, been a big snow year here, need to get my solar panels dug out, window grow needs electric and going to start in a couple of weeks:doh:
A few close ups of what's still finishing up

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