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Due to limited space..can one plant be used in two battles?

Yeah for sure on this one!! As long as the plant meets the requirements in the threads i am sure i would be fine.

Hmmm not 100% on the 2nd leg thing.... @bushmasterar15 has been in a few of these, so he should know!
hello guys and having a nutrient dilemma.....cant decide between Remo, Hesi, Dutch Pro, Technaflora and shogun.....any ideas pls?

Its not a line you see used very often...but damn the few results i have seen form dutch pro have been mighty impressive!!! The heaviest auto i can recall seeing was a dutch pro grown plant!!
Its not a line you see used very often...but damn the few results i have seen form dutch pro have been mighty impressive!!! The heaviest auto i can recall seeing was a dutch pro grown plant!!
I have to admit im tempted by them.....its just the 2 bottle grow AND bloom......any thoughts on Remo?
calling it a night..............have a good one everybody.!

Due to limited space..can one plant be used in two battles?..itching to start another Double grape under my cobs, also what does "second leg" mean?. I was not in first leg in any comps., so am I able to join?.
Yes, there were a few others that used one plant for 2 grow battles. Like if you signed up for the Mephisto grow battle and you were growing under Cobs then you could enter in both battles if you wanted to. As for the first leg/second leg they are the beginning grow battles. Then there will be a final grow battle. So if you didn't place for the final grow battle in the first leg you have a second chance in the second leg to try and place for the final.
It as the perfect angle to catch me right in the corner of my eye. I wish i could just take a pic every morning because it always changes. In an hour the tide will have changed and an hour later the river will go from a flood to a trickle..............its magic here and i love it.
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